ISAAC Distinguished Service Award


Please note that the ISAAC Distinguished Service Award was allocated in 2020 and ISAAC will communicate with recipients soon. If any additional awards become available for Conference Cancún we will publish them on this page. The following is information about this award.


PURPOSE: Presented to an ISAAC member or group to recognize an outstanding contribution to the field of AAC through clinical work, information/knowledge, distribution, and research.

AWARD: A plaque presented to the recipient at the ISAAC Biennial Conference.

ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES: Professional ISAAC members.

APPLICATION PROCESS: Nominations should be made in writing to the ISAAC International Office and would include the following:

1) Name of the person you are nominating

2) In what way or ways you feel the nominee meets the purpose of the award

3) A bio for the nominee

4) Your name, contact information, and relationship to the nominee




