


Congratulations to Alice Wong who has been named a 2024 MacArthur Fellow


© John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation–used with permission.


From the MacArthur Foundation website:

Alice Wong is a writer, editor, and disability justice activist cultivating a vibrant and diverse community of disabled people rooted in joy, abundance, mutual aid, and care. Wong is steeped in disability justice and uses the power of storytelling across various media platforms. She publishes personal stories that expose ableist attitudes, policies, and practices across a society that pushes disabled people to the margins. She also shares her own experiences navigating the world as a disabled person with a progressive neuromuscular disease. 

“The 2024 MacArthur Fellows pursue rigorous inquiry with aspiration and purpose. They expose biases built into emerging technologies and social systems and fill critical gaps in the knowledge of cycles that sustain life on Earth. Their work highlights our shared humanity, centering the agency of disabled people, the humor and histories of Indigenous communities, the emotional lives of adolescents, and perspectives of rural Americans.”

—Marlies Carruth
Director, MacArthur Fellows

Read the full announcement.

Watch Alice Wong’s Summit presentation.



The Wisconsin Augmentative Alternative Communication AAC Network welcomes Michelle Silverman, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, to the WI AAC/AT community

Hello Wisconsin Augmentative Alternative Communication AAC Network! My name is Michelle Silverman and I joined the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction in June as a full-time occupational therapy (OT), physical therapy (PT) and assistive technology educational consultant.

In this role, I work with therapists’ assistive technology providers, special education directors and others to inform them about best practice in school-based settings and how to best incorporate our professional knowledge into the IEP. I am an occupational therapist by training with over 30 years of experience in school-based practice as well as higher education clinical instruction in occupational therapy
and assistive technology.

Some of you may wonder how OT’s and PT’s provide support to AAC communicator. It is a common question but as I like to say “it takes a village”!

Occupational therapists often support the AAC user in accessing their device. OT’s work closely with SLP’s to identify the most efficient and effective way to produce their communication. Sometimes we help identify the body part that will use the switch and then what type of switch would be best. Other times, we work with the SLP to determine if the user can produce their message using direct selection of letters or symbols or will need to use a type of scanning to produce their message.

Physical therapists will often work with the AAC user on positioning of the device and or their body to ensure the best positioning for accessing the device. If a user is in a wheelchair, they will make sure the device is mounted in the optimal place for AAC access, and the user is positioned in a way that will support their orthopedic needs as well as needs for accessing their device and communication.

Occupational therapists, physical therapists and speech and language pathologists work as a team to ensure the AAC user has the best possible access to their device and communication needs.

Michelle Kaye Silverman, OTD, OTR, ATP | (608)-267-9242



Would you like to learn about the assessment, provisioning, ongoing support, and review of Assistive Technology?

The MSc in Educational Assistive Technology ( (EduAT) is a globally unique course that equips students with the skills and knowledge to work as an Assistive Technologist. We are now recruiting for students wishing to start in January 2025!

This course is distance learning offer – all teaching sessions and tutorials take place online. The course includes an annual on-campus teaching and conference week: whilst this is optional for international students, attendance is encouraged.

To undertake the programme students must be working in a context where AT is in regular use, in order to complete coursework assignments. If you would like to explore how your current working context might enable you to address EduAT coursework, please contact a member of the programme team.

Learn more here.



Plaidoyer pour une généralisation de l’apprentissage citoyen de la communication alternative et améliorée. – Le Monde, France, September 11, 2024

This article in France’s well-known newspaper, Le Monde, is about the development of AAC in France and advocacy of AAC. It was written by a group of organizations promoting AAC in France, with participation from board members of Isaac Francophone.

This is the free, partial version of the article available to non-subscribers.

Plaidoyer pour une généralisation de l’apprentissage citoyen de la communication alternative et améliorée



Invitation to Participate in a Research Project


You are invited to participate in an international research project “Augmentative and alternative communication in global tertiary contexts.”

This study looks at non-standard ways to communicate, namely augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), in university settings. You can do this survey if you are a current university student enrolled for longer than a month, or a fresh graduate, who relies on AAC to interact with staff and fellow students in university contexts, including academic, social, extracurricular and/or professional development activities, whether online or in person

For all details see:




Vibes of AAC Virtual Event 2024 logo


ISAAC Needs Volunteers!

We’re just three months away from the AAC event of the year – ISAAC’s Vibes of AAC Virtual Event October 29-30! 

More than 90 speakers have confirmed their participation! This includes researchers, practitioners, people who use AAC, educators, families and sponsor vendors. Visit the ISAAC Conference Virtual Event 2024 website to see the list of speakers and the presentation schedule. 

Haven’t registered yet? Remember, as an ISAAC member you are eligible for significant registration discounts to join the event live on October 29-30 and to view the recordings later. Register now!

We need your help!

We need members of our global AAC community to volunteer their time as session moderators and/or Zoom tech support people. In advance of our Vibes of AAC Virtual Event, ISAAC will provide training and documentation support for all volunteers. 

You can learn more about each of the volunteer roles and submit your name to volunteer here:

* This is a Google form so you will need to first log into your Google or Gmail account in order to be able to submit a response.


Invitation to Participate in a Research Project

Do you use Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) to communicate?

You’re invited to participate in a research project!

We are asking adult-AAC users what their supporters and communication partners do that is helpful (or not) when using AAC and participating socially.

Who can participate?

  • Adults 18+
  • Use AAC (electronic or not) some or all of the time
  • Understand English
  • Have congenital disabilities or communication challenges present from birth or early childhood

You will be asked to complete an easy-read survey online. Participants can have a supporter help and can take breaks at any point. The survey requires internet and a smartphone, tablet, or computer. 

This study has been approved by the UBC Behavioural Research Ethics Board (ethics ID number: H23-02951).

More information and the survey can be found at the following link:  

See the Recruitment Flyer here.

See the Information Letter and Consent here.



Public Hearings Announcement, Wisconsin

From the Wisconsin Department of Health Services –


Notice is hereby given that the State Assistive Technology Advisory Council will hold a public hearing to consider updates for the State
Assistive Technology Plan (SPAT) for 2024-2026.

The State AT Program makes assistive technology devices and services more available and accessible to individuals with disabilities, their families, caregivers, service providers, and the community in general. This program also provides education and training for increased print and digital access for individuals with disabilities.

The AT Council is requesting consumer input on Wisconsin’s SPAT 2024-2026, which will be submitted to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living (ACL) by September 30, 2024. The AT Council is accepting feedback from July 22, 2024 through August 23, 2024.

Public hearings will be held on August 21 and 22, 2024.

For more information, click here.



2024 General Assembly of AAATE Members 

Dear members of AAATE,

This is to inform you that the 2024 General Assembly of AAATE members
will take place on Thursday 11 July 2024 between 17.00 and 18.30 CEST in
conjunction with the ICCHP Conference, Johannes Kepler University
(Uni-Center, 2nd floor, Loft C), Altenberger Strasse 69, Linz, Austria.

For those that cannot attend in person it is possible to attend the
Assembly from remote using the following link:

Draft Agenda
1. Welcome and opening
2. Minutes of the last General Assembly
3. Report from the treasurer and the auditors
4. AAATE activity report and highlights
5. Board proposal: AAATE membership for national AT organisations
6. Short Announcements of members
7. Any other business
8. Closure of the meeting

Suggestions from members for additional agenda items can be send to before June 10th.

The final agenda and additional documentation will be published in the
“members only” section of the website on the page dedicated to
the General Assemblies.
Members of good standing (up to date with membership fees) that cannot
attend the GA can have themselves represented by another member. Having
yourself represented is a tangible sign of involvement. Please fill out
and sign the proxy form that you can find in the agenda of the General
Assembly in the members area of the website and mail it to

With best wishes,

Evert-Jan Hoogerwerf
Secretary-General of AAATE



ISAAC President Tracy Shepherd Invites You to Attend the “Vibes of AAC” Virtual Conference


Janice Murray Retirement Celebration 

Some of you may be aware that Professor Janice Murray is retiring from her post at Manchester Metropolitan University, at the end of March 2024.

In order to mark this occasion, we’d like to invite you to attend her retirement celebration. This will take place on Wednesday 27th March, between 3:30 and 5:00 PM (UK time), in Room 2.15, Brooks building, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK.

We realise that many of you will be unable to attend her celebration in person. If you cannot attend, but would like to send a message (and a photograph of Janice and you, if you have one) to my colleague Gareth Preston , we will make this into a slide show to be used on 27th March.

If you would like to make a contribution towards a retirement gift for Janice, please follow this link.  and don’t forget to add a message.

If you ARE able to attend IN PERSON on 27th March, we’d be delighted to see you! Please reply to me at  so that we can plan catering (There is no need to reply if you can’t  attend.)

Finally, if you have any specific dietary or access needs, please email me directly:

We hope to see many of you to celebrate with Janice !

                                                                                                              – Julie Marshall



Holiday Greetings from ISAAC President Tracy Shepherd




AAC Support for Israel

ISAAC International is committed to standing with our Chapters and everyone associated with the field of AAC, especially during times of war and national emergency.

Our hearts, thoughts, and prayers are with everyone impacted by this tragedy.

As an organization, we are calling upon all of our members and friends around the world to share resources. If you have  communication resources that could assist people who use AAC and their personal/professional networks, please send those resources to ISAAC International and/or ISAAC-Israel.

It would be most helpful if you could translate any resources into Hebrew, Arabic, and English.

ISAAC International stands ready to work with our friends in ISAAC-Israel to facilitate translation as required.

Communication during war and emergency, from ISAAC-Israel

The AAC community in Israel has created and shared materials to help people with complex communication needs to better understand and cope with war and emergency situations, as well as share their thoughts and feelings. These include communication displays, social stories, short videos with simplified language, and more.

ISAAC-Israel will upload any resources provided to this link:



Conference Cancún Video Recordings Now Available

ISAAC International is pleased to offer a select number of Conference Cancún session video recordings for purchase.

Individual videos can be purchased for $10 USD or you can purchase all six videos for $40 USD. Once you’ve purchased a video(s) you will have access for four weeks.

Find all the video recordings here. 



Canadian Researcher and ISAAC-Canada Council Member Glenda Watson Hyatt wins prestigious award

November 22, 2023

Photo courtesy of Mitacs


Congratulations to Glenda Watson Hyatt whose groundbreaking work has earned her the Mitacs Award for Outstanding Innovation—Master’s for her first-of-its-kind study of employment barriers for those living with speech disabilities. The award was presented at a ceremony at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa on November 22, 2023.

Watson Hyatt, a Master’s student in applied sciences at Queen’s University, was recognized for her landmark study to uncover the current state of affairs in Canada in terms of employers’ awareness and knowledge of speech disabilities, and the barriers facing prospective employees who may rely on augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) strategies in the workplace. She found that their biggest challenge to finding and retaining employment is lack of awareness and acceptance in society, and that systemic discrimination against this segment of the disabled population causes unnecessary physical and/or mental stress.

The next step in her project is to interview employers who have experience in recruiting, hiring and retaining people with speech disabilities, as well as to gather further insights from Canadians interested in sharing their experiences living with speech disabilities. Once completed, findings from the research are expected to inform the continuous improvement of Canadian Council of Rehabilitation and Work (CCRW) programs, services and resources for supporting employees with speech disabilities, a community for whom existing data and research remain sparse.



Wisconsin Assistive Technology 2024 Training Survey

WisTech, Wisconsin’s Assistive Technology Act program, is seeking input on the topics for the 2024 trainings that the program hosts.

Please share your feedback through this survey. The deadline for completion is 5 p.m. on December 6. WisTech 2024 Training Survey.



Situation in the Middle East: Communication to the ISAAC EB and Council

October 11, 2023

Dear ISAAC Executive Board and Council Members,

This past weekend’s terrorist attack in southern Israel, with its tremendous loss of life and outbreak of war will touch many directly who have connections, friends and family in the region, and most directly, our members in ISAAC-Israel.

In particular, we are all deeply concerned about the welfare of every single person who needs or uses AAC as well as their personal / professional support networks, who are particularly vulnerable during times of violence or emergency.

I want to remind us all that as an organization, ISAAC needs to maintain our focus on our mission, which is to promote the best possible communication for people with complex communication needs by supporting our AAC stakeholders as best we can, and not to involve the organization in geopolitical activities, particularly during times of armed conflict.

ISAAC is a compassionate community and we all feel deeply moved by these events.

We join all governments and non-governmental organizations in denouncing indiscriminate acts of violence purposefully targeting civilians, and we continue to hope and pray for the safety and security of all our stakeholders and their families who are being affected.  Our hope is for a just and lasting peace in the region.  Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. 

I would like to also urge us all to make every effort of ensuring that our own communications, both verbal and written, on behalf of ISAAC International, ISAAC Chapters, the Executive Board and Council, are focused on the contribution that ISAAC can and will make to assist all individuals who live and work with AAC, and to avoid statements politicizing this human tragedy.

Please be kind to each other and to yourselves and make room for empathy in the face of deeply felt emotions.

Kindest regards,

Tracy Shepherd

ISAAC International President, 2022-24



2024 Membership Special Offer 




Attend the 2024 ATAAC conference for free!

The ATAAC conference, focusing on assistive technology and communication, will be held in Zagreb, Croatia, October 23-24, 2024. The conference can be attended in person or online at

ISAAC International and its partner ATAAC are offering to ISAAC members free attendance to the online conference. Here’s how it works:

  1. Existing ISAAC members can refer one or more new members to sign up for a 2024 membership.
  2. At time of signing up, these new members will be asked to provide the ISAAC International member id number of the referring member. Existing ISAAC members, make sure to provide this to the person you are referring!
  3. Both the referring member AND the new 2024 member will receive a complimentary registration for the online component of the conference.

Leading AT and AAC experts and manufactures will present information, research and products, and will share experiences and valuable advice on working with children and persons with communication support needs.

Access to ATAAC online begins on the first day of the conference and continues for two weeks, ensuring you have enough time to focus on each and every lecture.

All lectures in languages other than English will be simultaneously translated into English.

More information can be found on the ATAAC 2024  website at

ATAAC Zagreb is organized by by E-Glas, Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka and Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation, University of Zagreb



ISAAC International announces its next conference.

At the ISAAC Conference Cancún Membership Meeting and at the Closing Ceremonies, ISAAC announced that its next conference will be held in Italy in either 2025 or 2026. Watch this website for updates. We look forward to seeing you there!



ISAAC Conference Cancun El Universal Press Coverage


Watch this video about how former ISAAC President, Meredith Allan, benefitted from AAC, with an interview with Gabriela Berlanga, Conference Cancun Co-Chair.



ISAAC Conference Cancún press release

ISAAC Conference Cancún offers a robust scientific program, showcasing research and lived experiences that represent milestones in the field of AAC and that will move the field forward in both Latin America and globally. The conference also provides an opportunity to continue to build the international community of people who use AAC and their allies.

“I’m looking forward to resuming ISAAC International conferences which have been postponed during the pandemic. There’s nothing like the energy and joy we feel when we get together in person, and the connections we make that move AAC forward. We’re very excited for Conference Cancún,” says ISAAC President Tracy Shepherd.

“We are very excited to offer the international community an unforgettable, truly Mexican experience in our beautiful country,” says Gabriela Berlanga, Conference Co-Chair, México.

“We are excited to host a conference in our hemisphere, where leaders can come together – including people who use AAC – to expand knowledge, research and innovation ‘without borders’,” says Amy Goldman, President of ISAAC’s US Chapter, USSAAC.

Read the full press release in English, in Spanish.



Join NHAT Connect for a free webinar presented by Kelly Fonner

Wednesday, April 19 at 3 p.m. EDT

Description: Many Districts are making the move to ensure that all students with special needs, especially those with significant multiple challenges educationally, physically, communicative and sensory, are given every opportunity and direct instruction to learn to read, and to write.

With the publication of the book, Comprehensive Literacy for All, by Dr. Erickson and Dr. Koppenhaver, book groups and webinars have been focusing on the strategies to make this happen.

Come join us as Kelly Fonner, a longtime educator, trainer and consultant, presents an overview of the key components through the lens of “the 6 Es” Expect – Effort – Engage – Educate – Evaluate – Exhibit of this important literacy journey.



Wisconsin AAC Network Winter Newsletter


“Please enjoy the Wisconsin AAC Network winter newsletter and forward this on to anyone that you think would enjoy reading it.” – The Wisconsin AAC Network Leadership Team


Wisconsin AAC Network Winter Newsletter



Communication Matters AAC Awards 2023 – Nominations Now Open



The AAC Awards Logo includes the Communication Matters logo. There are two heads facing each other inside a yellow jigsaw puzzle piece. This shows communication is a two-way process and the jigsaw piece represents AAC solving and supporting where barriers to communication exist. 
The logo includes the text: AAC Awards 2023.


Join Communication Matters for a special evening of celebration at the AAC Awards 2023. Hosted at the University of Leeds on the 24th of March 2023 the awards ceremony will include a drinks reception, dinner, as well as the announcement of the winners of the ten award categories.

Entertainment will include a set from Communication Matters Patron, Lost Voice Guy, and a live DJ. Tickets for the awards ceremony are available to purchase online. There are a limited number of subsidised places available for AAC users and their personal assistants.

Who do you know in your AAC community whose work or achievement should be shared and recognised? Communication Matters needs you to nominate them!

Do you know an AAC user who should be recognised for their contributions to the arts? A teacher, therapist or parent who deserves acknowledgment for their commitment to AAC? Do you attend a group or club that supports the use of AAC in a unique way? Someone who has created an innovative AAC solution? Do you know an AAC user who has been a trailblazer for others?

To nominate an individual, group, team, setting, or organisation, please complete the online form.  Supporting statements can be submitted in written, video, photograph, or audio format. If you need help completing your nomination, please contact:

Nominations close on the 31st of January 2023. The team at Communication Matters looks forward to hearing from you!



Season’s Greetings from the ISAAC Executive Board and staff

On behalf of the ISAAC Executive Board (EB) and ISAAC International staff, we wish you, your family, and all of our members and friends around the world the very best for the holiday season! 

Watch the video here.

isaac logo for conference cancun with a play arrow


Christmas Letter from ISAAC Past President Meredith Allan

My 2022 started on December 16th last year when I was appointed to the National Disability Insurance Agency board. I had been nominated when I was in hospital in June. Luckily these things take time, vetting and getting all State and Territory ministers to approve the nomination. The appointment started January 1st and it has not stopped. I have travelled to Sydney, Perth and Brisbane but thankfully most meetings are online or in Melbourne. There have been two meetings in Geelong but they were a joy as I stayed with Linley and Barry.

Mum had another birthday party this year in a local restaurant again. We encouraged it because it was family and we all get to see each other. My cousin’s husband (Peter) asked me sarcastically “What’s wrong with you now?” I answered “shingles” and burst out laughing! I had shingles but luckily I was not as bad as I remember when Glenn had them at 18!!!! I will definitely have the shingles vaccine in five months time.

Other than that my health has improved. I have put on five more kilograms and go to physio every fortnight. I am eating breakfast (cereal) and lunch (usually soup) orally and have my PEG feed at night. I am making the PEG work for me instead of the other way around. Saves cooking dinner and the time it takes planning it. I can eat more things than this time last year. I have graduated to eating some sweet biscuits which is helping with the weight gain.

In October I made the front cover of Crosslight, Uniting Church Vic/Tas magazine. The lead article was on Spirituality and Disability and a book I helped launch (I did not contribute to the book though). In November I was at Government House with Mum and two friends for the Victorian nomination of the 2023 Australian of the Year award. No, I did not win the nomination and was relieved not to win the Victorian nomination.

I am planning on going to Cancun, Mexico, in July for the ISAAC conference (deferred twice). My niece, Adara, has volunteered to go with me – that has made me more confident in travelling. We are thinking about what else to see while in the USA. Adara was with me in New York last time- I cannot beat that!

After re-reading last year’s Christmas letter I realise how far I have come in the past 12 months and even though I am a year older, life is good and God is looking after me. I hope next year’s letter is less about me and more interesting…

Have a blessed Christmas with those you love.

Meredith Allan



New research project:

The participation of people who rely on AAC in the pre-service preparation of communication, education, and medical professionals

Funded by the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Augmentative and Alternative Communication (RERC AAC)

We are interested in learning more about the experiences of people who rely on AAC, and who are helping to prepare the next generation of communication, education, and medical professionals. The results of this research will be discussed at the AAC Consumer and Technology Forum at ATIA 2023, and will be used to improve participation and support AAC technology development for persons who rely on AAC.

Learn about and sign up to participate in the research study here.



ECHO AAC webinar

Providing Culturally-Responsive Practice for Children who Rely on AAC: Evaluation of an Online Module for Pre-Service Educators

December 14, 2022


Join the next ECHO AAC session on Wednesday, December 14th from 3:30-5:00pm CST. The session will be presented by Dr. David McNaughton and Kasie Galley of Penn State University. This session will be on Providing Culturally-Responsive Practice for Children who Rely on AAC: Evaluation of an Online Module for Pre-Service Educators.

As always, the presentation with be followed with a collaborative case study. The case study at this session will focus on bilingual feature matching. 

Attending Live? If you have not done so already, please RSVP here:

Zoom Link:

Can’t Attend Live?  You can view the recording of this presentation (and past presentations) in our archive folder here:

If you are new to Zoom, you can find frequently asked questions here:

Lastly, if you’re looking to problem solve with our ECHO community about a specific student or client that you are working with, please email to inquire about sharing a case study.

Please let us know if you have any questions.  We are very excited for this session of ECHO AAC and hope to have you join us! 

See the EHCO AAC flyer here. 



Introducing the new ISAAC Executive Board President Tracy Shepherd


ISAAC International is pleased to introduce the new President of the Executive Board, Tracy Shepherd.

a woman crouches near a child who is sitting

Tracy is a speech language pathologist who started practicing clinically in AAC in 1991. She was Clinical Coordinator at the Augmentative Communication Service at Thames Valley Childrens Centre in London, Ontario, Canada until recently. Tracy is now Director of the Centralized Equipment Pool for Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Ontario, Canada (operated by Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital) and also has a role as Clinical Education Coordinator.

Tracy has been a member of ISAAC since 1990 and is a Past President of ISAAC-Canada (2009 – 2013). She held the position of VP without portfolio for the ISAAC International Executive Board from 2014 – 2018, she was President-Elect from 2020-2022 and she co-chaired ISAAC’s 17th Biennial Conference in Toronto, Canada.

“We have ambitious plans for the next two years at ISAAC! First and foremost, I’m looking forward to resuming ISAAC International conferences which have been postponed during the pandemic. There’s nothing like the energy and joy we feel when we get together in person, and the connections we make that move AAC forward. We’re very excited for Conference Cancun in 2023 and Conference Roma in 2024. We’re also in the middle of building a new website, which is a big project!” 

I’d like to welcome new board member and President-Elect, Yonit Hagoel-Karnieli from Israel. I also offer my deepest thanks and appreciation to all of ISAAC’s past presidents who have helped to move the organization forward over the years. As President-Elect, I worked closely with outgoing President Juan Bornman who was a pillar of strength and kindness for ISAAC over the last two very difficult years. Juan held us up and worked alongside all of us as we accomplished some hard things, such as the ISAAC Connect virtual conference last year. We always felt appreciated by Juan as she shared her positivity and inspirational South African proverbs. She will have a lasting impact on the Executive Board and on ISAAC. So thank you Juan!” – Tracy Shepherd

See the full Executive Board here.



screen shot of words and a woman's headshot, smiling

Read the article on the Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital website.



logo for ISAAC Rome conference showing a graphic illustration of historic buildings in green and red and the words Roma ISAAC 2023

Rome, Italy

ISAAC has developed a Request for Proposal (“RFP”) for the purpose of assisting the organization to identify and select an appropriate Conference Management Company / Professional Conference Organizer (“PCO”). This RFP is intended to provide specific information to individual PCO bidders, including background data and scope of work required.

Read the RFP here. 





30 de septiembre del 2022 / September 30, 2022

12:00 hrs, Hora del Este / 12 pm ET

Les hacemos una cordial invitación a la reunión de miembros, la cual tiene como finalidad hacer comunidad, conocernos y apoyarnos en la práctica profesional y/o en la experiencia familiar de la CAA.

We would like to invite you to a Spanish Speaking members reunion. The goals for this meeting are to strengthen our community and create links that promote collaboration among  professional practice  and the family experience around AAC. This meeting will be held primarily in Spanish. 

Registre aquí / Register here

Les pedimos su participación entrando al siguiente enlace o código QR.




  • Entraran a una página en dónde hay un mapa. 
  • En la esquina superior derecha encontraran un círculo rosa, hay que darle click y aparece un lápiz y se abre una pestaña para colocar el nombre de su país.
  • Al seleccionar el país puede agregar una nota escrita, una fotografía o un enlace de internet.
  • Les pedimos coloquen su nombre y una foto que muestre su relación con la CAA, si desea puede poner una breve explicación.


26th Annual Edwin and Esther Prentke
AAC Distinguished Lecture

Prentke AAC Distinguished Lecture Call for Nominations is now Open!

Nominations for The 2023 Prentke AAC Distinguished Lecture are now open and will close on October 15, 2022! Make sure you don’t miss your chance to submit your nomination!

The lecture will be held at the ATIA 2023 Conference in Orlando on Friday, February 2, 2023, from 11:30 am – 12:30 pm EST.

pcr saltillo logo

The winner of this award will receive a $2,000 honorarium and up to an additional $3,000 to cover travel expenses for the recipient to present in person at the conference in Orlando, provided by PRC-Saltillo. The recipient and two guests receive complimentary registrations to ATIA 2023 provided by ATIA. 

Nominators, or sponsors, may nominate anyone who they feel meets the following criteria: 

  • Be a person who uses any AAC device
  • Have public speaking experience and the ability to engage in an interactive question-and-answer session with the audience
  • Have made a unique contribution to the field of AAC or had a unique experience as a person who uses AAC

ATIA is honored to host this exciting presentation by a person who communicates using an AAC device at ATIA 2023 in Orlando, Florida. Nominate yourself, a colleague, or friend today!

Prentke AAC Distinguished Lecture Registration Form



Announcing the 5th International Assistive Technology and AAC conference 


     group of people sitting at a conference


The ATAAC conference will be hosted in Zagreb, Croatia, 29-30 September 2022

The conference can be attended in person or watched online.

Leading AT and AAC experts and manufactures will be presenting information, research and products, sharing experiences and valuable advice on working with children and persons with communication support needs . 

Watch online access lasts for 2 weeks, from the first day of the conference ensuring you have enough time to focus on each and every lecture.

All lectures in other languages will be simultaneously translated into English.

More information can be found on the ATAAC 2022  website.

ISAAC is a partner of ATAAC and supports the growth of AAC community in Southern and Eastern Europe.

ATAAC Zagreb is organised by by E-Glas, Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka and Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation, University of Zagreb.


Participate in a research study on the Experiences of AAC Technology Users

What is this study about? 

Researcher Caroline Bollen of Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands is looking for participants in a study on ethical aspects of AAC technologies. They are interested in how AAC technologies can promote self-expression and empathy but perhaps also stigmatization. They would like to hear about daily life experiences with AAC and receive possible suggestions for improvement of AAC technologies and their role in today’s society.


Who can be involved? 

Eligible for participation are AAC technology users above 18 years old.


What would I be asked to do?

The study entails individual written interviews that will be conducted digitally and asymmetrically. Answers  to the interview questions can be submitted either via SURFdrive or email. 


Who has approved the research?

This study has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) of Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.


Watch this 5 minute animated video for a more detailed explanation of what you could expect from participation: 


For more information, see: 

Information about the project

Letter of approval

Consent form



If you have questions or are interested in participating, contact Caroline Bollen (


Presentation to UNCRPD committee

Jacob Matthew (Australia) and Beth Moulam (UK) are presenting to the UNCRPD (United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities) committee to raise awareness of communication rights.

Monday 15th August

10am – Central European Time

Anyone can watch this session using this link:

This presentation aims to raise awareness to the CRPD committee of the need for countries to develop standards and guidelines to uphold communication rights for all. Key items from the Call to Action will be shared.

For more background see ICRA (International Communication Rights Alliance) documents:

ICRA Policy Statement 

ICRA Call to Action 


Ralf Schlosser, Editor-in-Chief of the AAC Journal, to receive the highest award given by ASHA – the Honors of the Association.


We are pleased to announce that Ralf Schlosser has been recommended by the Committee on Honors and affirmed by the Board of Directors of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) to receive the Honors of the Association. The Honors of the Association is the highest award given by ASHA and is public recognition of his distinguished and exceptional contributions to the field of speech, language, and hearing.  Ralf Schlosser will be formally recognized with a presentation at the Awards Ceremony on Friday, November 18, 2022, at the ASHA Convention in New Orleans, LA.



ISAAC-TAIWAN online seminar

Chung Shan Medical University and ISAAC-Taiwan will co-host a half-day online seminar “Voice in My Heart.”

Speaker: Tan Xuet Ying, President of ISAAC Singapore 

Topic 1: AAC on people with stroke

Topic 2: AAC on people with muscular atrophy

Date: 2022/7/16 8:30-12:00 

Learn more:刻在心底的聲音_ISAAC.jpg



Estimado miembro de ISAAC:

Les hacemos una cordial invitación a la reunión de miembros, la cual tiene como finalidad hacer comunidad, conocernos y apoyarnos en la práctica profesional y/o en la experiencia familiar de la CAA.


2 de septiembre del 2022

12:00 hrs, Hora del Este

Registre aquí

Les pedimos su participación entrando al siguiente enlace o código QR.



  • Entraran a una página en dónde hay un mapa. 
  • En la esquina superior derecha encontraran un círculo rosa, hay que darle click y aparece un lápiz y se abre una pestaña para colocar el nombre de su país.
  • Al seleccionar el país puede agregar una nota escrita, una fotografía o un enlace de internet.
  • Les pedimos coloquen su nombre y una foto que muestre su relación con la CAA, si desea puede poner una breve explicación.

Gracias y esperamos verlos!!

Flyer Reunioin ISAAC Español


The ISAAC Story

ISAAC supports the use of AAC around the world through the sharing of ideas and information. Events such as International AAC Awareness Month, our biennial conference, The ISAAC Communicator (formerly ISAAC E-News) and regular email alerts, keep ISAAC international members well-informed about our organization and activities worldwide.

A blast from the past ISAAC Story 2008 was created by the Friends of ISAAC in celebration of the 25th Anniversary of ISAAC:



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