Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is the official journal of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC). Published quarterly by Taylor & Francis, the journal is included in the Thomson Reuters Social Sciences Citation Index. Its impact factor is calculated annually. ISSN Print 0743-4618; ISSN Online 1477-3848.

The journal has an international and multidisciplinary readership. Its mission is to document the evidence base and to advance understanding and improve outcomes for individuals with complex communication needs and their families, including individuals of all ages who have developmental disabilities (e.g., autism spectrum disorders, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome) and those who have acquired disabilities (e.g., disabilities resulting from traumatic brain injury, aphasia, dementia).

AAC publishes scientific articles that are related to the field of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) that report research concerning assessment, treatment, rehabilitation, and education of people who use or have the potential to use AAC systems; or that discuss theory, technology, and systems development relevant to AAC. The broad range of topics included in the journal reflects the development of this field internationally.

AAC publishes manuscripts in the following categories (for full descriptions see Aims and Scope in our “Instructions for Authors and Style Requirements” available from the AAC Editorial Office, see below):

• Research articles, including intervention and technical notes
• Systematic reviews and meta-analyses
• Tutorials
• Forum papers
• Case studies

MaryAnn Romski, Co-Editor 2023 – 2024 (Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA)

Rose Ann Sevcik, Co-Editor 2023 – 2024 (Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA)

Please contact the editors directly if you have questions regarding a submission. You may also contact Anastazia Csegeny, Editorial Assistant, ea@isaac-online.org at the AAC Editorial Office:

ISAAC members are eligible for special AAC subscriber rates.

Please note: With any renewed or new Institutional or Corporate ISAAC Membership (for 2024 membership year), either as an international member or through an ISAAC Chapter, a subscription to the AAC journal for 2024 is included at no additional cost.





