

The ISAAC membership year runs from January 1 to December 31. 

Why become a member of ISAAC?

You will join an international community that focuses on improving lives of individuals with complex communication needs. ISAAC keeps you updated on what is going on around the world. Membership in ISAAC is open to anyone interested in supporting people with complex communication needs.

ISAAC offers:

  • Networking and collaboration.
  • Advocacy.
  • Education.
  • Research.
  • Information dissemination.

See the full list of ISAAC Membership Benefits.

How to become an ISAAC member

If you live in a country or region where there is an ISAAC Chapter, contact your local Chapter to become a member. Chapter membership includes membership in ISAAC.

If you live in the following countries, click on the links below.

If you do not have a local ISAAC Chapter, you can apply through ISAAC International.

How to renew your ISAAC membership

Find step-by-step instructions on how to renew ISAAC membership at ISAAC Online Membership Renewal

Added benefit: With any renewed or new Institutional or Corporate ISAAC Membership, either as an international member or through an ISAAC Chapter, a subscription to the AAC journal is included at no additional cost.

How can you get involved in AAC and ISAAC?

Find out here.






