ISAAC International (English)


The ISAAC membership year runs from January 1 to December 31. 


Membership in ISAAC is open to anyone interested in supporting people with complex communication needs.

If you live in a country or region where there is an existing Chapter, please contact the Chapter directly. Chapter membership includes membership in ISAAC. If you are Spanish-speaking, please click here for ISAAC International membership information in Spanish. 


I want to renew my ISAAC-International (English) membership

*I have an ISAAC ID number and password


I want to become an ISAAC-International (English) member

*I do NOT have an ISAAC ID number and password


Alternatively, you can return your completed ISAAC International Membership Form with your payment (in Canadian funds only, by way of international bank draft or money order) to ISAAC International at 312 Dolomite Drive, Suite 216, Toronto, ON M3J 2N2, Canada. If you prefer to pay by credit card (VISA or MasterCard only), please enter the credit card details on page two of the Membership Form.

ISAAC-International Membership Form 2024








