

ISAAC hosts many informative and well-attended webinars each year.

Registration for live webinars is open to everyone.

All webinars, unless otherwise indicated, are recorded and will be made available for later viewing. Most are archived for members only. You can see the members only archive here.

Become a member of ISAAC to watch all of ISAAC’s webinars!


Upcoming webinars






Jornadas de ISAAC Español / ISAAC Spanish Conference

12 Abril 2025 / April 12, 2025

10:00 am EDT

(Confirma la hora donde estas / Confirm the time where you are)


¡La CAA nos conecta! Únete a las Jornadas de ISAAC Español y descubre experiencias, investigaciones y buenas prácticas que transforman vidas.

La comunicación es un derecho. En las Jornadas de ISAAC Español, expertos y usuarios comparten cómo la CAA abre puertas a la inclusión y la participación. ¡No te lo pierdas! La comunidad hispanohablante de ISAAC Internacional se reúne en estas jornadas para hablar sobre el impacto de la CAA. Ponencias, experiencias y reflexiones que inspiran.

Profesionales, familias y usuarios se encuentran en las Jornadas de ISAAC Español para aprender, compartir y avanzar juntos en la comunicación aumentativa y alternativa. ¡Súmate a la conversación! #ISAACespañol

Las jornados está abierto a todos los miembros de ISAAC pero será sólo en español.

Los miembros de ISAAC Español pueden inscribirse a las Jornadas desde este link.  Si aún no eres miembro de ISAAC Español, puedes inscribirte aquí y después registrarte a las Jornadas. Para garantizar la recepción del enlace de registro antes de la fecha del evento del 12 de abril, las membresías deben estar vigentes antes del 4 de abril.



AAC connects us! Join the ISAAC Spanish Conference and discover experiences, research, and best practices that change lives.

Communication is a right. At the ISAAC Spanish Conference, experts and users share how AAC opens doors to inclusion and participation. Don’t miss it!  The Spanish-speaking community of ISAAC International gathers at this conference to discuss the impact of AAC. Inspiring presentations, experiences, and reflections.

Professionals, families, and users come together at the ISAAC Spanish Conference to learn, share, and move forward in augmentative and alternative communication. Join the conversation! #ISAACSpanish

The conference is open to all ISAAC members but will be in Spanish only.

Members of ISAAC Español can register for the conference here.  If you are not a member of ISAAC Español, become a member here and then register for the conference. To ensure receipt of the registration link before the event date of April 12, memberships must be current by April 4, 2025.








                                                            USSAAC blue and gold logo


 From Problem to Practice: One Example of an AAC Implementation Process in a Complex Educational System


April 30, 2025

7:00-8:00 p.m. EDT



Presented by:  Lisa Erwin-Davidson Ph.D., CCC-SLP


About the presenter:

Lisa Ewin-Davidson is a speech language pathologist with a 25-year background as a clinical practitioner specializing in assessment and implementation of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) with individuals across the age span. She is an Assistant Professor, AAC Research Lab Director and Clinical Instructor at California State University, Fullerton, where she provides clinical education to graduate students and independent research project advisement to undergraduates. Lisa is completing a 5-year community-engaged project seeking to understand how contextual factors influence the success of AAC and literacy implementation efforts and identifying barriers and facilitators to adopting literacy-language interventions in school settings. Lisa earned her doctorate from University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill within the Center for Literacy & Disability Studies.


Seminar description:

This presentation will focus on a “top-down” approach to initiating, implementing, and sustaining a five-year research-practice partnership project between higher-ed and local-ed. The utilization of an Implementation Process Model (Liu, 2020) provided a structure to (a) identify district needs; (b) identify classroom contextual factors that changed over time and influenced success of implementation efforts, and (c) identify barriers and facilitators that influenced district-wide efforts to adopt a comprehensive literacy curriculum that placed greater emphasis on using aided language systems (AAC) to access and engage with the curriculum


Moderated by:  Betsy Caporale


SLPs who are USSAAC/ISAAC members may have their participation in this webinar reported for ASHA CEUs at no charge. Non-members must pay a $25 reporting fee.

This course is offered for 0.10 ASHA CEUs (Introductory level; Professional area).


Participants will be able to:

  1. Identify the model(s) of implementation that sought to spread the adoption of a three-pronged intervention package across special education classrooms and scale up to full district adoption,
  2. Examine the contextual factors, including classroom educator attitudes, school-wide AAC knowledge, skills, and understanding of the range of AAC purposes for enhancing learner engagement, and
  3. Identify barriers and facilitators to adoption of intervention at the classroom level, and threats to project derailment at the district level.


Time-ordered agenda:

  5 minutes:  Introduction of speakers, USSAAC and topic

30 minutes:  Share the process from idea to implementation

15 minutes:  Share lessons learned and project reflection

  5 minutes:  Share thoughts on replication- what pieces of the process might be replicable in your setting?

  5 minutes:  Q & A


American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) CEUs in speech-language pathology and audiology are awarded by the ASHA CE Registry upon receipt of the CEU Participant Form from the ASHA Approved CE Provider, USSAAC. CEU Participant Forms are available online at Registration or via the QR Code displayed during the presentation. ASHA CEUs are provided to full registrations. This program is offered for .10 ASHA CEUs (Introductory Level, Professional Area). Participants must stay for the entire presentation and complete the questionnaire at the end of the webinar.


ASHA Disclosures:



Lisa Erwin-Davidson receives internal grants and donations.  She is a full-time and salaried faculty member at CSUF.


Lisa Erwin-Davison is a member of USSAAC and ASHA SIGs




Betsy Caporale has no financial disclosures to report.


Betsy Caporale is a USSAAC Board Member and Director of the Education Committee.


To register for this webinar please go to the following link:


Please note: Only the first 150 attendees to log into the webinar will be guaranteed spots.


Download the flyer



Betsy Caporale, Kate DeJarnette, Nicole Gallagher, Richard Hurtig,

Mili Mathew, Michelle Phillipy, Wendy Quach, Sharon Redmon



Information about ISAAC webinars

ISAAC has, over the course of the past number of years, developed a significant capacity to host informative and well-attended webinars. This has been done in close collaboration with our friends and partners at both ISAAC-US (USSAAC), AAIDD and, more recently, ISAAC-Canada.

Important Update:

Beginning in January 2021, the majority of archived webinars will be moved to a new location in the Members Only area portion of our website.  (A number of webinars will continue to be publicly available here.)

What this change means is that now only members will be able to access the majority of our archived webinar recordings.

Registration for the majority of upcoming new webinars will be available from within the Members Only area, and a valid ISAAC member ID number will need to be entered at time of registration.

It is our hope that many of the people who have benefited from attending or viewing our webinars will become members of ISAAC in order to continue to enjoy this significant membership benefit. 

For information on becoming a member of ISAAC, click here

Thank you!


Information on ASHA CEUs for USSAAC webinars can be found on the USSAAC website, here

To request from ISAAC International a hosted or sponsored webinar, please return this form-fillable PDF with details of your proposed webinar and preferred time slot, to franklin@isaac-online.org.

Please note:  A copy of the form MUST first be downloaded and saved to your local computer prior to completing.







