
ISAAC’s activities are supported by its members through standing committees and working groups that focus on specific responsibilities:

Standing Committees

Bylaws Committee

Reviewing the existing bylaws to create a more concise document, as mandated by the Council in July 2010.

Conference Committee

Oversees the operation of ISAAC’s Biennial Conferences. The Biennial Conference is an important education, financial and advocacy activity for ISAAC.

Emerging AAC Nations Committee (BUILD)

(incorporated under BUILD Project) Supports ISAAC membership in countries and regions where resources restrict the availability of AAC programs and services.

  • Claudia Marimon Rigollet, Chile, Vice-President for BUILD,
  • Ellyn Cassey Chua, Philippines
  • Mo Chen, China
  • Nadia Browning, Canada

Finance Committee

Monitors the funds and financial records of the organization, as well as ISAAC’s fiscal policies, practices and procedures.

  • Neil Hansen, UK
  • Meredith Allan, Australia
  • Franklin Smith, Canada, ISAAC Executive Director
  • Yonit Hagoel-Karnieli, Israel, ISAAC President
  • Catia Walter (Brazil), Chair of the ISAAC Council

Leadership Committee for People who use AAC (LEAD)

Advises ISAAC on all issues involving people who use AAC. Develops projects with a consumer focus. This committee fosters the participation of augmented communicators, their families and support networks within ISAAC and beyond.

Nominations Committee

Responsible for seeking nominations from the ISAAC membership for positions on the Executive Board.

Awards and Scholarships Program

(liaises with Nominations Committee and Executive Director; not a standing committee of ISAAC). Guides the selection process for biennial awards/scholarships recognizing outstanding achievement and distinguished service to ISAAC.

Publications Committee

Oversees the publication of the AAC journal. Acts as liaison between ISAAC and AAC’s publisher, Taylor & Francis Group. Advises on issues related to publishing in the field of augmentative and alternative communication. The aim of the Publications Committee is to increase access to materials that will benefit ISAAC members and the international AAC community.

Provisional list of members:

Research Committee

Monitors the development of research activities within the organization. Activities include the biennial ISAAC Research Symposium, held in conjunction with the ISAAC Conference. The Research Committee also considers strategies to encourage established and young researchers (e.g., students) to engage in state-of-the-art developments in the field. One of ISAAC’s main goals is to promote research and development in all areas of AAC.

  • Kristine Stadskleiv (Chair – Norway) 
  • Shakila Dada
  • Stijn Deckers
  • India Ochs
  • Kathy Look Howery
  • Kirsi Neuvonen
  • Gabriela Rangel Rodriguez
  • Raz Tenenbaum
  • Jørn Østvik
  • Yoosun Chung


Other Groups:


Communication with the United Nations

Guides ISAAC in its role as NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC).

Liaison between the Council and the Executive Board

Interested in joining a committee or group?

Please contact the Chair listed for the committee/group, or contact the Council Chair.







