Accessible businesses and services


Accessible businesses and services

Prior to the conference, NAACA-trained AAC ambassadors and their support persons prepared businesses and services in the vicinity of the conference venue to welcome, respect and communicate with AAC participants. NAACA provided two types of information sharing.

  • Community Business Visits.  Community visits were made to local stores, coffee shops, tourist attractions, bars, restaurants, take-outs, entertainment venues, etc. The AAC user ambassadors used a script that informs the business about the ISAAC conference, people who use AAC and basic points for friendly communication. The business or organization was given a NAACA brochure and communication symbol to display to welcome people to their facility.
  • Group Information Sessions.  Some groups needed more formal trainings such as the convention centre, social event location, hotels listed for the convention, healthcare facilities, emergency services, transportation services, police, etc. For these sessions, the ambassador teams used a set of slides, the NAACA video, brochure and communication symbol.  Depending on the group and time available, the following topics included:
    • ISAAC Conference.
    • People who use AAC.
    • Communication methods that people use.
    • Communication Access video.
    • Common problems that people who use AAC can experience communicating in services.
    • Dos and Don’ts when interacting with a person who uses AAC.
    • Personal stories.

