Physical Access to the Venue


Physical access to the venue

The following are just some examples of considerations for physical accessibility to outdoor and indoor spaces:

  • Is the conference venue and outside space physically accessible in terms of meeting rooms, elevators, washrooms?
  • Will conference meeting rooms be accessible in terms of wheelchair spaces, tables that allow wheelchairs to fit under them?
  • Are there quiet spaces for rest?
  • Is there appropriate/adequate lighting?
  • Are there accessible hotels and other accommodations in the area?
  • Are there charging stations for communication devices, and/or power mobility?
  • Is there a Help Desk for accessibility issues?
  • Is there a list of accessible restaurants, public areas and entertainment venues in the area (e.g. services that have been provided with communication access information/brochure or training)?
  • Is there information about accessible transportation in area such as buses, taxis, para transport, local and to and from airport?
  • Is there accessible emergency information? (e.g. ambulance, hospital, fire department, police)
  • Is there accessible parking?







