Presenter(s) who do not use AAC
Presenter(s) who do not use AAC
Presenters of a session can facilitate accessibility by:
- Showing and reading the accessibility slide.
- Using inclusive and respectful language.
- Waiting for the sign language interpreter, if required, before beginning the presentation.
- Facing the audience so people can see and hear the presenter.
- Speaking at a normal rate, neither too slowly nor too quickly.
- Captioning videos, if using.
- If using slides:
- Using a sans serif font that is at least 22 point.
- Using a light-coloured background with dark text.
- Using a PowerPoint theme to structure the presentation, with only short sentences and/or bulleted phrases (about 4 lines of text/40 words per slide).
- Describing all meaningful graphics (such as photos, images, charts, and illustrations).
- Addressing all the information shown on your slides.
- Using felt tip markers free of scents and solvents and replacing the cap when not in use.
- Using lasers to point only and avoid wiggling the light around the screen.
- If asked a question by someone not using a microphone, repeating the question into the microphone.
- Allowing sufficient time to receive questions from participants who use AAC and to answer their questions.