AAC Innovations
Topic: Emerging AAC technologies and interventions to increase access and participation
The presenters for this topic are affiliated with the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Augmentative and Alternative Communication (RERC on AAC), USA.
(Top row, L to R) Janice Light, David McNaughton, Susan Fager, Erik Jakobs, and Heidi Koester
(Bottom row, L to R) Jon Brumberg, David Chapple, Jessica Gormley, Christine Holyfield, and Tracy Rackensperger
NIH-Supported Masterclass: Language Modeling and Predictive Text Entry for AAC
Keith Vertanen, Michigan Technological University, USA
Topic: Starting to Imagine Alternative AAC Futures Together
Presenters: Both presenters for this topic are affiliated with the University of Dundee, UK
(L to R) Graham Pullin and Katie Brown
Topic: Morse Code: From theory to practical use in AAC
Will Wade, ACE Centre, UK
Topic: Eye-Gaze Technology: Acquiring a complex access method
Tom Griffith, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust, UK
Michael Clarke, University College London, UK
John Swettenham, University College London, UK