Meet ISAAC’s newest sponsor, SayIt!, owned and run by Owen McGirr – a software engineer from Ireland living with cerebral palsy. In 2016 Owen felt the need to start building his own Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) app for iPhone and iPad to help people with speech difficulties communicate their needs and wants to the […]
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By Gabriela Mangino, Conference 2020 Co-Chair “I love that everything I have learned with my son,I apply during the organization of the conference.” I am Gaby Mangino. I have a major in business administration and have two children: Daniela, she is 12, and Diego, who is 11 years old and is an AAC user, as […]
By Wendy Moreno, Conference 2020 Co-Chair “When I was invited to be part of theISAAC 2020 Organizing Committee,I didn’t hesitate a second to accept.” This year, ISAAC Conference 2020 makes its second presence in a Spanish-speaking country: México. My country is characterized by being a good host, having a unique cultural and gastronomic richness, and […]
This post is an excerpt from The ISAAC Communicator, March 2019 edition, “Message from the ISAAC President” by Meredith Allan In Geelong, a city about an hour from my home city of Melbourne, a group of parents and support people meet every four weeks to discuss their children’s needs and the AAC strategies they use. […]
Every year during the month of October, ISAAC engages people around the world to shine a light on the stories of people who use AAC. The 2018 theme of AAC Awareness Month is “Dare to Lead” and, in that spirit, Lateef McLeod, ISAAC Vice-President for LEAD, offers his perspective on “What leadership means to me.” “I define […]
Every year during the month of October, ISAAC engages people around the world to shine a light on the stories of people who use AAC. The 2018 theme of AAC Awareness Month is “Dare to Lead” and in that spirit we’ve reached out to Beth Moulam (UK) to find out her perspective on “What leadership means […]
Twitter was launched in 2006 but really began to gain popularity around 2012. Here’s a cool infographic timeline for Twitter, “From Egg to IPO.” Early Twitter adopters saw exciting potential in this new way of communicating in 140 characters or less. Doubters saw it as part of a growing threat to internet privacy posed by […]
ISAAC joins with the rest of the world in recognizing the tremendous lifetime achievements and the passing of world-renowned theoretical physicist Professor Stephen Hawking on March 14, 2018. Recipient of the ISAAC 2014 Lifetime Achievement Award, Professor Hawking made a significant contribution to our understanding of both the universe and the indelible human spirit. His intellect, […]
This year’s ISAAC Conference is number 18 in our organization’s 35-year history. Many cities around the world have hosted this biennial conference: From the first, held in Cambridge (US), to Stockholm, Dublin, Montreal, Barcelona, Toronto, and many more. (click here to see a full list of ISAAC host cities.) We have been spreading the word […]
Blissymbolics is an ideographic symbol system created by utopian visionary Charles K. Bliss (1897-1985). Shirley McNaughton, one of ISAAC’s founders, first began using Blissymbols as an AAC method in 1971 at Canada’s leading centre for children with disabilities, now known as Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital. Even those who have known about Blissymbolics for many […]
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