Town Hall 2016
ISAAC 2016 AAC Town Hall Meeting
Big Meeting of AAC Communicators
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We are very excited to announce that Nola Millin (above, left) and Jess Weber (above, right) are our AAC Town Hall Co-Chairs.
Nola is well known in her hometown of Windsor, Ontario, Canada for her activism and her public speaking. Nola is experienced in writing and speaking on various topics related to disability and the use of AAC. She has three degrees; one in Psychology, one in English and Creative Writing, and one in Disability Studies. Nola holds a position with ISAAC International as Editor for our website. Nola is also a sessional college instructor teaching psychology online. In her spare time, Nola can be found at her church where she is quite involved in many activities.
Jessica (Jess) is a long-time AAC user who takes every opportunity to share her experiences, educate others about life as an AAC user and to advocate for those people who rely on AAC for communication. She has a DSW (Developmental Service Worker) diploma from Centennial College in Toronto. She is regularly invited back as a guest speaker to share her experiences about attending and succeeding in a college environment. Her presentations not only encourage students with similar challenges, but also help staff better understand how to accommodate students with disabilities, particularly those with complex communication needs.
Jess participates in a project sponsored by March of Dimes Canada called the LIFE (Learning Independence for Future Empowerment) Program. She works with instructors and participants on how to communicate with AAC users as well as how to accommodate participants with disabilities.
AAC Town Hall 2016 is for people who use AAC to:
• share ideas
• make connections
• say what is on their mind

ICEwest Town Hall Meeting, 2013. Photo courtesy of CAYA BC.
At Town Hall 2016 everyone who uses AAC will have a chance to say what they want. Anyone who uses AAC can have a turn. Other people can come and listen, but they cannot join in the sharing.
This means that everyone who uses AAC is invited to the circle to share ideas. All ideas are welcomed. This is a chance to say what you want with other people from around the world who also use AAC. Be ready to listen and to take part. Come and be heard!
Date and Time:
Monday, August 8th, from 15:00 – 17:00 in the Metro Ballroom West
What will we talk about at this meeting?
ISAAC is an organization that represents people who use AAC across the world who have different cultures and customs. We have many things in common and many differences. In this Town Hall meeting we want to talk about:
“What Brings us Together?”
Questions to help you prepare:
1. Introduce yourself and tell us about your culture and where you are from?
a. How are we the same?
b. How are we different?
2. What makes ME strong?
3. What makes us strong together?
4. How can we change the world?
5. If you could do anything you wanted to, what would it be?
Tips to help you get the most from participating:
• Everyone gets a turn.
• Consider ahead of time what you want to say during AAC Town Hall.
• Get some things ready to say before you come or while you are waiting.
• Prepare to tell everyone your name.
• Make sure you are wearing your name tag.
• It is a good idea to have a note about how you communicate.
• Take note of where the people with the mics are in the room.
• Get the attention of a person with a mic when you are ready to talk.
• Tell the person with the mic know how you communicate or show them your note.
• The person with the mic will tell you when it is your turn.
• If you have a device, show the person with the mic where the speaker is and turn up the volume when it is your turn to talk.
• If you need help, ask a volunteer.
- To download the above questions and tips, please click here (PDF, 336 kB).
- The next ISAAC Town Hall Meeting will be held at Conference 2018 in Gold Coast, Australia.